NY Onward Israel Service Learning: Being Present
This week’s Yahel participant blog post comes from one of the participants on this year’s New York Onward Summer Service Learning...
Rivka Lubin
Reflections from Jerusalem
This week’s participant blog post is by Naomi Davis, one of the participants on this summer’s Onward Israel summer program in Jerusalem....
Naomi Davis

Saying Goodbye
This week’s participant blog post comes from Ethan Goldman, one of the incredible volunteers on this year’s Yahel Social Change Program....
Ethan Goldman

Reflections in Photos
This week’s participant blog post comes from Hannah Froiland, one of the participants on this year’s Yahel Social Change Program. Every...
Hannah Froiland

American vs. Israeli Schools
This week’s participant blog post comes from TJ Ohley, one of this year’s participants on the Yahel Social Change Program. Participants...
TJ Ohley

Who is a Jew in Israel?
This week’s participant blog post comes from one of the Yahel Social Change Program participants, Ben Sousa. Every week, we feature the...
Ben Sousa

For Whom I Stand
Yahel regularly features blog posts written by current participants in the Yahel Social Change Program.This week’s blog post comes from...
Rachel Cherrick

Carrying Yahel into the Future
This week’s participant blog post comes from Darya Watnick, one of the amazing participants on this year’s Yahel Social Change Program....
Darya Watnick
Friday Recipe Post: Yemenite Soup and Spices
Yahel works with diverse communities all over Israel. Every Friday, we will be posting recipes to celebrate some of the different...
Dana Talmi

What Does Empowerment Look Like?
Every week, there will be a post on the Yahel blog from one of the participants from the Yahel Social Change Program. This week’s blog...
Harris Engelmann