Harris Engelmann
What Does Empowerment Look Like?
Every week, there will be a post on the Yahel blog from one of the participants from the Yahel Social Change Program. This week’s blog...
Dori Robinson
Parshat Vayakhel
This week’s parsha post was written by Dori Robinson, Assistant Director for Programming at UMass Hillel. Yahel partnered with UMass this...
Darya Watnick
“You can’t dance at two weddings with one rear end.”
This blog post was written by Darya Watnick. Darya is a participant on the Yahel Social Change Program. The past six weeks, at promptly...
Ethan Goldman
Soccer Across Borders
As far back as I can remember soccer has always been a huge part of my life. I started playing in elementary school and since then I...
Dana Talmi
Taking My Yahel Experience Home
This reflection comes from a participant from last summer’s 6 week Yahel program in Beer Sheva. This summer, Yahel in collaboration with...
Yael Engel
My Time at the Matnas
This week’s participant blog post comes from Yael Engel. Every week, the Yahel blog features a post from a participant on the Yahel...
Seth Engelbourg
Reflections on Maghar: UMass Yahel Insight Program
This post was written by Seth Engelbourg, one of the participants on the UMass Hillel Yahel Insight Program. In January 2014, 13...
Ameer Saleh
Reflections from Maghar
This passage was written by Ameer Saleh, the local coordinator and trip leader for the recent University of Massachusetts Hillel Yahel...
Deborah Malheiro
Hummus and Identity
This week’s participant blog post comes from Deborah Malheiro. Deborah is currently part of the 9 month Yahel Social Change Program. ...
Sarah Schmidt
Empowerment in the Wake of Uncertainty
This post was written by Sarah Schmidt, a participant on a recent American University-Yahel Insight program. This piece also appears in...